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Code of Conduct


In 2013, Danzer began consolidating all of its policies and procedures into a single source for employees seeking guidance on business ethics or company values. Danzer found the UN Global Compact's 10 Commitment to be concise guiding principles to frame Danzer's Code of Conduct, which is a list of 33 conducts expected of the Danzer workforce and, in some cases such as anti-bribery, third-parties.

The Code of Conduct has been approved at the Executive Board and Board of Directors levels (since 2015: Group Advisory Board and Supervisory Board, respectively). The Danzer Code of Conduct was translated into the 5 operating languages of Danzer (English, German, French, Czech, and Spanish) and added to all Employee Handbooks, integrated into new employee orientation, and is the subject of employee training at all levels. The Danzer Code of Conduct is a dynamic document that is reviewed regularly to include constructive suggestions collected from all Danzer employees.



It has been established to inform management, employees and associates of Danzer on how to work together to manufacture renewable products in a highly responsible and sustainable way: with special attention to the needs of workers, communities, and other stakeholders.

The Code of Conduct is an information tool for all employees of Danzer. As such, all employees are encouraged, even obliged, to give their feedback on the improvement of this system or report any deviations from it to their respective supervisor or Executive Board member or securely and confidentially through the Grievance Mechanism.